Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Carrot vs Radish Round 3: Where Have All The Radishes Gone?

For those of you who want to get back to your roots: 

Well here we are, the radishes have done it and not a moment too soon.  As expected, it took just about one month and this bunch was ready for harvest.  After our first two experiences with Red and D'Avignon radishes, we thought we knew everything, but little did we know how special this bed really was...

Weeks earlier this was just a bed of weeds waiting to be pulled and now here before us was the moment of truth.

We looked a little closer and BONGO!  There she was.

Last week we noticed something different about this particular bed and if you look at the bottom right corner of this next picture, you can see what appeared to be a white radish.

Obviously we had to jump right in and pluck one out.

And obviously we had to try this pale little brother radish.  We went in for the first bite not knowing what to expect.

Almost everything was the same as the red ones we had harvested in the past, but with a little extra kick.  It had a familiar crisp texture and although quite delicious, I think the more intense spiciness of this radish caught Matt a bit off guard.  

Nevertheless, this was not the biggest surprise yet, we still wanted to know why there was a white radish in this bed.  As you may have noticed this bed was labeled "Easter Egg" radish, which meant they were all different colors including red, pink, purple and white.  

They were harvested, washed and bunched into colorful handfuls which were then going to be sold at the market.

All this talk about radishes, but what about the carrots?  Well don't you worry these babies work at their own pace and we finally have some very interesting updates.

This week we decided to take a closer look at the carrots and see how they were progressing.  It's amazing to see their development at such an early stage.

You can actually see the orange carrot forming.  Enlarging these pictures helps to see the details.

The radishes may be gone, but there's still plenty of time left before these carrots are ready to harvest.


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